Cash Flow Challenge

Wondering why you always seem to have a cash flow challenge, despite the fact you seem to be making money?

Inevitably, it will be because your business cash flow drivers are out of step.

At Glengyle Finance, we specialise in understanding the cash flow challenges of SMEs and then make sure you understand them too. We conduct a thorough and independent review of your seven (yes there are 7!) cash drivers and provide you with recommendations on what to do about them – we call this our Glengyle Cash Flow Review.

What are your 7 Cash Drivers?

  1. Sales Growth

  2. Gross Margin

  3. Operating Expenses

  4. Debtors Days

  5. Creditors Days

  6. Inventory/WIP Days

  7. Capital Expenditure

If any of these are trending in the wrong direction, you are absorbing precious cash, and often there is plenty you can do about it.

Let Glengyle Finance conduct a Cash Flow Review and help you create more cash in your business. We will analyse all seven cash drivers and provide specific recommendations on what action to take — and what cash flow impact each action will have!

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